VermontBiz Becoming a homeowner is a goal of many, but with the sharp and steady rise of Vermont home prices, what used to be a challenge to attain has been pushed even further out of reach for low to middle-income Vermonters.  A Shared Equity homeownership program, such as the one offered through Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, can bridge that divide and create a path to homeownership for many who otherwise would never have the opportunity. 

Shared Equity Homeownership has been a longstanding program of the Housing Trust, established in the 1990’s under the Community Land Trust model. Eligible buyers receive down payment assistance of up to 35% of the total price of a home, lowering the amount the buyer needs to finance. In return, that home remains affordable to all future homebuyers through resale restrictions. Funding is through the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board.

“One of the Community Land Trust principles is balancing individual wealth-building versus ensuring future generations have the opportunity to buy a home in the community,” says Elizabeth Bridgewater, Executive Director of Windham & Windsor Housing Trust. “We want people to build wealth, we want people to save. If you live in this house for 10 years, there’s a good chance that you will build equity. You will get back what you put in, and you’ll be in a much better financial position to move on and buy somewhere else.”

The tradeoff comes when it is time to sell –the homeowner doesn’t get to pocket the total appreciated value. The affordability stays with the home.

2022 was a banner year for WWHT’s Shared Equity program. Historically, the Housing Trust sees one or two transactions a year. Last year, there were nine.  Although there were a few resales, the majority of the last year’s transactions were buyer-driven, meaning new homes were brought into the program.  There are now 140 permanently affordable homes in WWHT’s program.

There are parameters to the program that limit the pool of eligible real estate. The sale price of the home must fall within a specific range, under $250,000. 
Read full article here>>

Read Shaunna’s Story of Becoming a Shared Equity Homeowner In Windsor>>

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