Gingerbread house created by our partners at NeighborWorks America inspired by the Chalet project in West Brattleboro

This past year has been one of unbelievable challenge and hardship across communities. With challenge always come opportunity and Windham & Windsor Housing Trust ran with opportunity this year. Despite closing the office for health concerns, we continued to operate at full capacity delivering our services with quality and compassion to all who need it.  Our maintenance team has been on the front lines every day. We created 159 new housing opportunities across our whole two-county region. Our Homeownership Specialists counseled a staggering 350 households. Our Property Manger assisted tenants access over $100,000 in rental relief. We continued with deep intention our commitment and work with Racial Equity Diversity and Inclusion, recognizing the history of the powerful tool housing policy has played in racial inequities. We’ve worked closer and developed even stronger relationships with partner organizations near and far, we received generous gifts, we’ve truly felt the support in our community.

Thank you. Thank you whether you have given a donation, liked our pages on social media, shared our stories, or spread our news through word of mouth. All these are gifts, are appreciated, and they matter.  

If you’re able, join the staff, board, institutions, and community members who give to “the power of yes!” with a tax deductible gift to wrap up the year. Happiest new year to one and all!

The Power of Yes.

On an extraordinary scale, the pandemic has exposed major cracks in our society’s system. The need for services is great, and demand is growing.  Project timelines are ambitious and accelerated.  Deadlines tied to state and federal funding are intimidatingly tight.  Yet, in spite of the difficulties, the risks, and the overwhelming reasons to back away, we said YES.  Because amidst all of these challenges came tremendous opportunity for meaningful change at every level.

By starting with YES, we’ve been able to bridge some of the gaps in a flawed system.  Just look at the work we’ve taken on:

  • Advocacy:  working together with advocates across the state, we have helped secure over $30 million in CARES Act funding to address homelessness;
  • Rent Relief:  Our Property Management division obtained rent relief funding, and offers enhanced supportive services, helping tenants cope with pandemic related hardships;
  • Housing the Homeless:  The Chalet Project will provide 27 new units of permanent supportive housing in Brattleboro by year’s end, with the potential to house many more in the future.  This project represents a unique partnership with Groundworks Collaborative that brings our organizations closer than ever before;
  • Homeowner Support:  Our Rehousing Recovery program offers grants to private landlords to rehab vacant and blighted apartments and bring them back online, resulting in over 60 new units of affordable housing by year’s end. With an eye to the future, our education and counseling programs are planning more work with foreclosure prevention, and in many cases, helping those who are facing imminent foreclosure land as softly as possible.
  • Social and Racial Equity: Our commitment to race, equity, diversity and inclusion is part of our mission and the work we carry out every day.  This year we launched our own REDI initiative, scrutinizing our policies and starting our own growth with intention. 

We’ve made tremendous progress, but the economic hardships brought on by COVID are still mounting.  There is so much more to do.  Your gift is vital for the work in front of us.  Will you say YES?

Large or small, your gift makes a bold statement: 

  • It says you believe in our mission, our values, our people. 
  • It encourages more innovation, and allows for more risk-taking.
  • It supports our new initiatives, while sustaining our core programming
  • It inspires our dedicated staff, who have gone above and beyond in the face of extreme adversity to say, “Yes, we can do more!”     
  • And finally, it ensures that the important work we do every day to keep people safe and in their homes continues well after COVID-relief funding runs out.

Your Commitment Matters

Your gift makes “Yes” possible.  Just imagine what we can do together if we all start with YES!

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